On a recent field trip to Morro Strand State Beach with the Morro Coast Audubon Society, we found huge numbers of shorebirds. Over 50 endangered Snowy Plovers (more than I’d ever seen at once), hundreds of Long-billed Curlews, dozens of Marbled Godwits. There were hundreds upon hundreds of gulls as well–mostly Western Gull, but a few Heermann’s and even some Ring-billed Gulls thrown in.
My eye was drawn to one particular curlew who seemed to be unaware of how small his bill was relative to the prey item he was trying to stuff down it. He would pick the thing up from the sand, scarf it along the length of his (long) bill, and then, right when it was time to open wide and get it down the hatch, the crustacean would be back on the sand. I imagine it was pretty frustrating for the bird, although it was pretty fun for the photographer.
Pix below.