The first cold front of the year moved in earlier this week, bringing overnight lows into the 50s (brrr). That’s not very cold, of course, but to those who are used to overnight lows in the 70s or higher, it’s still quite a shock. Witness this poor paper wasp, stunned by the cold and hanging out on the pool deck and fence for hours on the first morning, rather than flying away as soon as I approach with a camera:
This is Polistes major, one of the ten species of polistine wasps found in Florida. Very little has been written about its habits, but it sure is cute, innit?
As I’ve started to do for more and more insect species, when I can get a good head shot (i.e., one that shows the three simple eyes, or ocelli, on the top of the head), I post it.
Paper wasps are not particularly aggressive and will only sting if harassed. I wouldn’t worry if you see a cell or two on your house, but a large colony can be annoying and might need to be removed.
According to the Century dictionary, the genus name, Polistes, is from the Greek polistes (πολιστής), “founder of a city.” It was designated by Latreille in 1804. Rather appropriate for a social wasp that builds colonial nests, wouldn’t you say?
Happy Halloween!