Barn Owl, Carrizo Plain
During the annual Christmas Bird Count at the Carrizo Plain, which for 2024 took place on January 5, 2025 (yes, really), I was part of the team assigned to Sector 4, which includes the lands around the historic Saucito Ranch and the American Ranch. Birding the Saucito Ranch buildings and surrounds was really productive.
We managed to find several Barn Owls, at least one of which put on a bit of a show for us. When I first saw it, it flew from the ranch house to an outbuilding, where it perched for a little while, then decided that it wanted to get under cover. Being a cavity nester (hence the proliferation of Barn Owl boxes on savvy landowners’ properties), it instinctually wanted to take cover in a hole. But the hole it found wasn’t exactly suitable:
After it backed out of the hole, it flew off toward a nearby stand of cottonwood trees growing around an old farm pond. Before we could even get close enough to the pond to check the trees for other owls, an entire procession of owls flew for cover: first a Great Horned, then another. And then one, two, three, four Barn Owls! One of those owls flew quite close to my position, so I managed a few good photos:
Dear Ben Kolstad,
I enjoyed seeing your “pre-count-day” checklists at Carrizo Plain NM (1/4/25).
I was surprised by the mileage (3.87 mi) of the “Visitor Center” checklist and was wondering what area was included at the “Visitor Center” location.
Alex Yan changed the list he shared with you to a personal location.
Kind regards,
Petra Clayton, Los Osos