Windy, sunny, temps in the mid-60s.
The grapes on the north fenceline are coming in, but some of the new leaves are crispy and brown; maybe the vines need supplemental water? And the pink rose bush is blooming nicely in the shade.
We’ve had swallows (violet-green) overhead, a Wilson’s warbler in the oak behind the house, and lots of towhees and thrashers.
The red-tailed hawks across the street are doing fine; the crows have been chasing one or the other for the past couple of weeks, but they’re still around.
An Anna’s hummingbird inspected one of M’s potted redbuds this morning.
M’s potted daffodils are spent; her rose trees have new blooms coming but nothing in bloom right now.
We still have standing water down at the street; a puddle across the driveway, and a serious bog on the southwest corner by the mailboxes. The water on that side extends a good 50 feet up from the street thanks to all the ruts that the constructions workers put over there in the winter. No mowing there; hand weed whacking only.
I’m considering hedging the remaining privets along that southern fence line (the privets that didn’t completely die with the past two wet winters). I’ve hacked the big ones down to about five feet high, and the volunteers in front of them look fine at that height. If we hedge them, maybe we don’t have to remove the whole thing.
There’s serious pollen on the solar panels; they need a good washing, but who wants to do that before the oaks stop releasing it? You’d only have to do it again.